Every-body deserves the right to feel beautiful

I remember going clothing shopping with my mum as a kid. I would watch her as she would try on garment after garment criticising her body in front of the mirror as she couldn't fit her thighs into those jeans or her arms into that top. I stood there as an impressionable soul watching her beat herself up, wondering why..... in my eyes she was the most beautiful person in the world and I didn't see what she thought were flaws. This left an indelible imprint on me, there was nothing wrong with her body The only flaw was in the garment.

People should not have to fit into fashion, fashion should fit people.

Because of that, I have made it my mission to bring diversity to the world of fashion. My mission is to transform the industry and put the human back into the clothes.

Having started my career in fashion, I later moved into the world of Human Centred design where i worked to create products that were designed with the people at the core. Rather then being driven by profits or business ambition my practice is about working with the community to resolve their pain points with commercial fashion to make clothing acccessible for every-body.

Thank you for supporting me and being an intergral part of the future of fashion
xx Eloise